Qatar and South Africa

Qatar and South Africa

April 04 2017


The Diplomatic Institution organized a seminar titled " Relations between Qatar And South Africa" whereas Mr. Shereesh Soni; Ambassador of South Africa in Qatar, delivered his lecture in the presence of Political management attendants, number of Diplomats and Ministry of Foreign affairs staff.

In the beginning, His Excellency the Ambassador expressed his pleasure to offer him such opportunity to talk about history and future of relations between both countries, especially, on the light of the expected visit of His Highness the Prince to South Africa which is scheduled to be during this month.

As far as bilateral relations between both countries are concerned, Mr. Shereesh Soni said that such relations started since 1994, and such relations have been crowned by opening South African Embassy in Doha in 2003. So such relations between both countries have been lasted for 23 years and still so far.

Mr. Soni reviewed in this Seminar the most exchanged visits between both countries since the beginning of the relations; after South Africa obtained its independency. Three of South African presidents paid visits to Qatar; Nilson Mandella, Thabo Mbeeki and Yacoub Zooma. He added, the relations witnessed visits by the Prince (the father) Sheikh Hamad Ben Khaliefah Al Thani,  Minister of foreign affairs; Khalid Al Atiah, Ex-Minister of Arts and Culture visit to South Africa. The last visits was in March 2017, which was paid by His Excellency Prince Sheikh Moh'd Ben Abdul Rahman Al Thani, Minister of Foreign affairs to South Africa.

As for multi sides relations and agreements between State of Qatar and South Africa, his Excellency Mr. Soni assured that although his country is till in its youth stage; 23 years, since its independence, but it could build and establish tremendous relations with many countries including State of Qatar. He added that South Africa is connected by Qatar via many active agreements in many scopes; i.e. diplomatic relations, economical cooperation, double taxation and financial evasion, bilateral air services agreement, environmental investments enhancement agreement, Defense agreements, police agreement, arts and cultural agreements. His Excellency also is looking forward to sign more agreements to accrue the best benefits of both countries.

He added also, that he hopes to employ the prospected visits of his highness, Prince of Qatar to enhance the relations between both countries and guarantee its sustainability. He also said that this seminar is an opportunity to discuss the possibility of employing this prospected visit to develop the relations between both countries and review the strong sides thereof. In conclusion he said that the economical diplomacy today plays major role in building the relations, connections and cooperation between all countries.