
Repercussion of the justice Act of anti-terrorism – Jasta Act- on the Arab national security

November 24 2016

This lecture was Held on November 23,2016.Dr. Ibrahim Al-Anani lecturer of international law at the University of Qatar spoke about the provisions of JASTA ACT. Explaining  the most important measures arising out of these provisions and  the relevant international legal principles. He showed  that" JASTA ACT" contradicts the  most essential principles and conventions that regulate the international relations, i.e the principle of equality of sovereignty  states, and  the principle of immunity of all states not to be prosecuted  by foreign legal system and their properties not be  confiscated. Explaining that  any  state is responsible  for its citizens internally and also responsible  of  foreigners who reside in its territory, but not responsible of  any conduct  or behavior of its citizens abroad.

 On the Arab level, he said the main goal of the law  is that the United State America, exercises  pressure  on other countries  to achieve  political ends in the region.