Upcoming Events


Course name: Qatari Foreign policy directions

Date: 16 April

Place: Diplomatic Institution – Dr. Hasan Al Muhannadi Hall

Target category: Diplomats who are transferred to work abroad.


Course Title: Developments in the international diplomatic arena

Date: 17-18 April

Place: Diplomatic Institution – Dr. Hasan Al Muhannadi Hall

Target category: Diplomats who are transferred to work abroad.


Course Title: Viewing the Ministry Management business nature. (Administrative and financial affairs, Human resources Consulate Affairs and International cooperation in interacting with regional and international organizations and societies)

Date: 19 April

Place: Diplomatic Institution – Dr. Hasan Al Muhannadi Hall

Target category: Diplomats who are transferred to work abroad.


Course Title: Interview with Their Excellency Managements Directors of GCC, Arab Affairs, Asian Affairs, African affairs, European affairs, and American Affairs.

Date: 20 April

Place: Diplomatic Institution – Dr. Hasan Al Muhannadi Hall

Target category: Diplomats who are transferred to work abroad.


Course Title: Economical Diplomacy

Date: 22-24 April

Place: Diplomatic Institution – Dr. Hasan Al Muhannadi Hall

Target category: Diplomats who are transferred to work abroad.


Course Title: State of Qatar stand in terms of human business and disputes solution

Date: 25 April

Place: Diplomatic Institution – Dr. Hasan Al Muhannadi Hall

Target category: Diplomats who are transferred to work abroad.


Course Title: Applications and preparing the Diplomatic reports

Date: 26-26 April

Place: Diplomatic Institution – Dr. Hasan Al Muhannadi Hall

Target category: Diplomats who are transferred to work abroad.


Course Title: Report drafting on the country where the Diplomat is transferred to work therein

Date: 30 April – 1 May

Place: Diplomatic Institution – Dr. Hasan Al Muhannadi Hall

Target category: Diplomats who are transferred to work abroad.


Course Title: discussing the report in the presence of His Excellency Director of specialized policy directorate

Date: 23-24 April

Place: Diplomatic Institution – Dr. Hasan Al Muhannadi Hall

Target category: Diplomats who are transferred to work abroad.


Course Title: Program conclusion (interview with His Excellency the Minister of State

Date: 4th of May

Place: Diplomatic Institution – Dr. Hasan Al Muhannadi Hall

Target category: Diplomats who are transferred to work abroad.


Course Title: practical training in coordination with Human Resources Directorate

Date: 7-23 May

Place: Diplomatic Institution – Dr. Hasan Al Muhannadi Hall

Target category: Diplomats who are transferred to work abroad.

Qatari-Singaporean Relations
(To be held) 14 March 2017

Presented by:  H.E. Jaie Sohan, Ambassador of the Republic of Singapore to Qatar

Program title: Ministry of Foreign affairs

Held on: 19th. January

Place: Diplomat institution – Dr. Hasan Al Muhanadi Hall – AM

Period of program: 6 hours/day

Participants: 15-20

Target category: 7th. and higher – 3rd.secretary and higher

Program pivots         

  1. Ministry of foreign affairs missions
  2. Rules of procedures: Ministry headquarters and missions
  3. Managements: Missions and specialties
  4. Staff
  5. Staff duties 

Program title: Foreign policy and dealing with international disputes

Held on: 20-23 February

Place: Diplomat institution – Dr. Hasan Al Muhanadi Hall – PM

Period of program: 14 hours

Participants: 15-20

Target category: 7th. and higher – 3rd.secretary and higher

Program pivots         

  1. Identification and explanation of the foreign policy and diplomat policy concepts.
  2. Introduction to Qatar contemporary foreign policy
  3. Qatar Foreign policy determinants
  4. Contemporary Qatari Foreign policy strategies.
  5. Stages of Qatari Foreign policy development during the last two decades 1995-2015.
  6. Case study (Qatar is mediator in regional and international disputes and crises – Qatar is a party in regional or international crises.

Program title: Qatar State History

Held on: 26 February – 2 March

Place: Diplomat institution – Dr. Hasan Al Muhanadi Hall – PM

Period of program: 17.5 hours

Participants: 15-20

Target category: 7th. and higher – 3rd.secretary and higher

Program pivots         

  1. The Emergence of Qatar Emirate enjoying self independency since 1868AD 
  2. Qatar Political development since the Othmani Raid in 1871 until the end of Othmani Era
  3. Qatar political development since signing the protection treaty with Britain in 1916 until its independence in 1971 and further developments in each era since that date.

Program title: Diplomacy & consulate organization

Held on: 5 – 9 March 

Place: Diplomat institution – Dr. Hasan Al Muhanadi Hall – PM

Period of program: 17.5 hours

Participants: 15-20

Target category: 7th. and higher – 3rd.secretary and higher

Program pivots         

  1. Diplomacy emergence history
  2. Gradation in historical International relations until so far.
  3. Diplomacy development through the eras
  4. Vienna agreement for Diplomacy relations 1961 and Vienna agreement for consulate relations 1963.
  5. Diplomat immunity
  6. Codes and traditions (difference between what is written and that of common practice)
  7. Ambassador exchange and Reciprocity principle
  8. Diplomat organization - State of Qatar

Program title: Speech and Oratory skills

Held on: 19 – 23 March 

Place: Diplomat institution – Dr. Hasan Al Muhanadi Hall – PM

Period of program: 17.5 hours

Participants: 15-20

Target category: 7th. and higher – 3rd.secretary and higher

Program pivots         

  1. Introduction on speech and oratory art and skills
  2. Oratory texts
  3. Self qualifications of the successful Rhetoric
  4. Ideal oratory characteristics and factors
  5. Diplomat Oratory conditions, and diplomat orator characteristics.
  6. How to prepare the speech and deliver thereof.
  7. Successful oratory rules


Program title: drafting reports and correspondence skills

Held on: 26 – 30 March 

Place: Diplomat institution – Dr. Hasan Al Muhanadi Hall – PM

Period of program: 17.5 hours

Participants: 15-20

Target category: 7th. and higher – 3rd.secretary and higher

Program pivots

Practical training as follows:

  • Reports
  1. Mission Annual reports
  2. Reports on certain topics
  3. Method
  4. Context
  • Correspondences
  1. Among the Ministry managements 
  2.  Among Ministry managements and Minister Assistant
  3. Among Ministry managements and the Minister
  4. Correspondences with his highness price Divan and His Excellency the prime minister office.

Program title: Human rights and human international law

Held on: 2 – 3 April

Place: Diplomat institution – Dr. Hasan Al Muhanadi Hall – PM

Period of program: 17.5 hours

Participants: 15-20

Target category: 7th. and higher – 3rd.secretary and higher

Program pivots         

  1. Human rights: emergence, concepts and definitions
  2. International organization of Human rights: contractual mechanisms
  3. International organization of human rights: Un- contractual mechanisms (Human rights council)
  4. Regional mechanisms of human rights: League of Arab States as model
  5. International law of human rights and human international law: differences and similarities.
  6. NGO role in human rights scope
  7. Human rights in State of Qatar


Program title: Treaties

Held on: 4 – 6 April

Place: Diplomat institution – Dr. Hasan Al Muhanadi Hall – PM

Period of program: 17.5 hours

Participants: 15-20

Target category: 7th. and higher – 3rd.secretary and higher

Program pivots         

  1. Treaties definition
  2. Treaties conclusion: conditions of treaties conclusion validity
  3. Drafting treaties.
  4. Treaties effectiveness: attestation and Joining
  5. Application and interpretation
  6. Treaties expiry
  7. Practical practice in State of Qatar in terms of treaties.


Program title: International law

Held on: 9 – 13 April

Place: Diplomat institution – Dr. Hasan Al Muhanadi Hall – PM

Period of program: 17.5 hours

Participants: 15-20

Target category: 7th. and higher – 3rd.secretary and higher

Program pivots         

  1. International law definition
  2. Historical brief
  3. International law sources
  4. International law nature (Binding)
  5. International law concerned persons
  6. State
    • State factors:   population and government
    • Type of states: simple state and federal state
    • sovereignty
  7. International responsibility: civil responsibility and criminal responsibility
  8. Individual status in International law: acquiring rights, minorities, and foreigners.
  9. International disputes concept: Peaceful settlement (negotiations, investigating, mediation, reconciliation, arbitration, judicial settlement at International justice court and settlement through regional organizations.
  10. Armed Disputes settlement: UN convention rules, Security council competency, General Assembly competency and relation thereof with security council competency)

Program title: Security information

Held on: 16 – 19 April

Place: Diplomat institution – Dr. Hasan Al Muhanadi Hall – PM

Period of program: 17.5 hours

Participants: 15-20

Target category: 7th. and higher – 3rd.secretary and higher

Program pivots         

  1. Diplomacy security and threats sources
  2. Relationship between diplomatic business and intelligence business.
  3. Intelligence business methods towards Diplomatic missions
  4. Models of Espionage means on diplomat, its institution and information
  5. Means to detect the technical Espionage
  6. Types of human oversight and means of detecting thereof.
  7. Mechanisms used to fight Espionage and Roomers.
  8. Persons and missions security


Program title: Information security

Held on: 20 April

Place: Diplomat institution – Dr. Hasan Al Muhanadi Hall – PM

Period of program: 17.5 hours

Participants: 15-20

Target category: 7th. and higher – 3rd.secretary and higher

Program pivots

  1. IT and systems
  2. Information security


Program title: International economical relationships

Held on: 23-27 April

Place: Diplomat institution – Dr. Hasan Al Muhanadi Hall – PM

Period of program: 17.5 hours

Participants: 15-20

Target category: 7th. and higher – 3rd.secretary and higher

Program pivots

  1. Introduction on the International economical relationships
  2. Forms of Int. Economical relationships
  3. Regional and international economical institutions
  4. Qatari Trade relationships with other worldwide countries
  5. Qatari Investments abroad
  6. Qatar role in the regional and international economical institutions


Program title: Sustainable development in State of Qatar and developmental


Held on: 30 April - 4 may

Place: Diplomat institution – Dr. Hasan Al Muhanadi Hall – PM

Period of program: 17.5 hours

Participants: 15-20

Target category: 7th. and higher – 3rd.secretary and higher

Program pivots

  1. Sustainable development concept, dimensions and indicators
  2. Developmental theories
  3. Development strategies.
  4. International developmental experiences
  5. Qatar national vision 2030, and national development strategy 2011-2016
  6. Introduction on the official developmental aids
    • Shapes & types of developmental aids
    • Standards to offer developmental aids
    • Qatar developmental aids characteristics
    • Follow up carrying out the Qatari developmental aids.
  7. Preparing developmental aids reports in coordination with international concerned organizations and bodies

Program title: Media and communication

Held on: 7-11 may

Place: Diplomat institution – Dr. Hasan Al Muhanadi Hall – PM

Period of program: 17.5 hours

Participants: 15-20

Target category: 7th. and higher – 3rd.secretary and higher

Program pivots

  1. What does media means herein
  2.  Introducing Media means and its importance in diplomacy business
  3. Successful media strategies
  4. Medial Impact: Positive and negative
  5. Medial important in achieving the State foreign policy objectives.
  6. Method of dealing with media means to generate the State interests.
  7. Press Release and TV interviews
  8. Press conference


Program title: Negotiations; skills and Arts

Held on: 14-18 May

Place: Diplomat institution – Dr. Hasan Al Muhanadi Hall – PM

Period of program: 17.5 hours

Participants: 15-20

Target category: 7th. and higher – 3rd.secretary and higher

Program pivots

  1. comprehending and analyzing the disputes
    • Disputes analyzing
    • Dispute methods and interactions
    • Interference to solve the dispute
  2. Communication and managing the dialogue
    • Effective communication
    • Dialogue
  3. Negotiating
    • Introduction on negotiating
    • Enlightened negotiation
    • Partitioning negotiation
    • Complementary negotiation 

Program title: Environmental causes

Held on: 21-24 may

Place: Diplomat institution – Dr. Hasan Al Muhanadi Hall – PM

Period of program: 17.5 hours

Participants: 15-20

Target category: 7th. and higher – 3rd.secretary and higher

Program pivots

  1. Environment concept
  2. Environmental pollution
  3. Climate changes
  4. Water security
  5. Biodiversity
  6. Environment and energy
  7. Green economy


Program title: Site round (Islamic Museum)

Held on: 25 may

Place: Diplomat institution

Period of program: 6 hours

Participants: 15-20

Target category: 7th. and higher – 3rd.secretary and higher


Program title: English Language – For Diplomats

Held on: 25 may- 8 June

Place: Diplomat institution

Period of program: 56 hours

Participants: 15-20

Target category: 7th. and higher – 3rd.secretary and higher 

US Middle East Policy: the Past and the Present
(To be held)  16 February 2017 

Presented by:  H.E. Ambassador Edward P. Djerejian, Director of James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy

Qatari - Austrian Relations (To be held) 7 December 2016
Presented by: H.E. Willi  Kemble, Ambassador of the Republic of Austria to the State of Qatar
Mediation: the Norway Model (To be held) 6 December 2016
Presented by: Ms. Ton Bakey Vold Ilieris, Director of peace management, reconciliation and  settlement of disputes at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Norway
Qatar and Tajikistan : The Promising Cooperation (To be held) 29 November 2016
Presented by: H.E. Ardasher  Saad Qodiri, Ambassador of the Republic of Tajikistan to the State of Qatar
Repercussion of the Justice Act of Anti-Terrorism – Jasta Act- on the Arab National Security (To be held)  23 November 2016
Presented by: Dr. Ibrahim Al-Anani, lecturer of international law at the University of Qatar
Communication and Soft Power (To be held) 14 November 2016
Presented by: H.E. Oden Samuel, Spokesperson for the British government in the Middle East and North Africa 
Qatari - Italian Relations (To be held) 15 November 2016
Presented by: H.E. Guido De Sanctis,  Ambassador of the Italian Republic to the State of Qatar
Turkey After the Failed Coup (To be held) 11 October 2016
Presented by: H.E. Ahmet Demirok, Ambassador of the Turkish Republic to the State of Qatar
US Presidential Elections 2016: The Trump Phenomenon (To be held) 4 October 2016
Presented by: Dr. Ansny Kappa, Professor of history at the University of Carnegie Mellon university's- Qatar
Spain-Qatar Relations (To be held) 17 May 2016
Presented by: H.E. Ignacio Escobar, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Spain to the State of Qatar
Qatari-French Relations: Towards Broader Horizons (To be held) 11 May 2016
Presented by: H.E. Eric Chevallier, the French Ambassador to the State of Qatar
Lessons From Negotiations (To be held) 26 April 2016
Presented by: H.E. Ajay Sharma, Ambassador of the UK to the State of Qatar.
Peoples' Relations Between China and Qatar (To be held) 31 March 2016
Presented by: H.E. Arken Imirbaki, Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress and President of China- Arab Friendship Association (CAFA)
Spanish Politics in the Middle East (To be held) 9 March 2016
Presented by: H.E. Miguel Ángel Moratinos, Former Foreign Minister of Spain.